Dallas Movie Fest!

Our single "Watch Emily Play/L'Eternite by A.Rimbaud" has been selected for the competition at Dallas Movie Fest!

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London Cinema Art Festival!

Our artworks were shown on big screen during London Cinema Art Festival!

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Artbox. Project.Basel 3.0

Our art project form The Wall series is accepted to participate at ARTBOX. PROJECT.BASEL 3.0.

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"Watch Emily Play" Premiere video!

Watch Emily Play/L'Eternite by A.Rimbaud! Video here

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RED Movie Awards

We are extremely pleased to inform you, that our video, We must arm (By Winston Churchill) has just been accepted as a RED Movie Awards Official Selection.

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We are on TikTok!

We are on TikTok! Subscribe! Link

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Join us on Facebook

Our Facebook is here link Subscribe!

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We have Telegram!

You can also find us on Telegram! Subscribe! Link: Telegram

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“Hurt You” on Spotify and YouTube

Our new single, “Hurt You” is everywhere on Spotify! And also on YouTube. Link here

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Hurt You! Premiere!

I would never hurt you! Premiere! Video here

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Winner Toronto Indie Shorts

Happy to announce, our project "We Must Arm (by Winston Churchill)" is the award winner of the online IMDb qualifying Toronto Indie Shorts!

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Toronto Indie Shorts

Our project "We Must Arm (by Winston Churchill)" officially selected for Toronto Indie Shorts

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CI Festival and SISF Festival!

Happy to announce, our video "What a Lovely Day!" is a Winner at the California Indies Festival and Seoul International Short Film Festival!

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New York Independent Cinema Awards

Our project "Come on Baby" is a nominee of the New York Independent Cinema Awards!

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Hollywood Discovery Awards in Los Angeles

Our music video ''What a Lovely Day!'' is a winner of Hollywood Discovery Awards in Los Angeles!

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