VEVO page
Hello! We are happy to announce some good news! Our electronic project KK Electronics has received its own VEVO page. Subscribe! Link

"Snowman" Premiere!
Now I have got a new friend! K.K. Electronics feat. Daria Dombrovsky - Snowman
Video here

Honorable Mention IPA 2024
Our photo "Fishing in Holland" has been awarded an Honorable Mention in the 2024 edition of the International Photography Awards!

International Photography Awards 2024
Our entry "Fishing in Holland" has made it to the final round of jury voting and is awarded the title "Official Selection" in the International Photography Awards 2024.

Dallas Movie Fest!
Our single "Watch Emily Play/L'Eternite by A.Rimbaud" has been selected for the competition at Dallas Movie Fest!

London Cinema Art Festival!
Our artworks were shown on big screen during London Cinema Art Festival!

Artbox. Project.Basel 3.0
Our art project form The Wall series is accepted to participate at ARTBOX. PROJECT.BASEL 3.0.

RED Movie Awards
We are extremely pleased to inform you, that our video, We must arm (By Winston Churchill) has just been accepted as a RED Movie Awards Official Selection.

“Hurt You” on Spotify and YouTube
Our new single, “Hurt You” is everywhere on Spotify! And also on YouTube. Link here

Winner Toronto Indie Shorts
Happy to announce, our project "We Must Arm (by Winston Churchill)" is the award winner of the online IMDb qualifying Toronto Indie Shorts!